Hello nal1200 I have listened to all your tunes and I really take great pleasure in listing to them my name is Raymund I am the one who faved you because I really like what your doing with your music.
I am an director/animator for girl in the box studios were a small London based studio which is currently trying to find its feet in the world of animation we are currently in the process of making a feature length film called fish head: postcards from anywhere which is comprised of 3 different stories looking at the demanding relationship between couples and looking at how both sexes chose to escape from reality when things get tough.
And I would like to know if you would be interested in creating some music for the film
If you are interested in creating some original music for this project please don't hesitate to contact me at
Or phone me on 07946187283
Please also check out the website and my personal blog there isn't much on the website as it is currently being updated but pleas have a look at the blog there will be concept work from the film shortly put on there.
<a href="http://home.anet.net.tw/jasonharry/girl_in_the_box/index.htm">http://home.anet.net.tw/jasonharry/gi rl_in_the_box/index.htm</a>
<a href="http://girl-in-the-box-studios.blogspot.com/">http://girl-in-the-box-studios.blogsp ot.com/</a>
Kind regards
Raymund Afoakwa
Velvet Horizon-
Nice tempo, catchy tunes, all in all, this was a good song. If it were here on NG, id 9/10 and 5/5 it. always looking forward to your songs nal, so keep up all the good work.
Thanks, Pwner!